How do you see objects? – Matrix way

Whenever I heard a question “what is an object?”, instant answer was “Instance of a class that represents real world entity”. Ah… how nice 🙂

But one day the question popped up in my mind “why object is called an object? why not tom or dick or harry?” 🙂  Following the question, a dialog from Matrix passed through my mind. “Everything has a purpose for existence”. The answer for object meaning lies in this statement. “Every living entity that has an objective is an object”.

Object is living? Yes, every bit of it.

  • Object has emotions which it will not express (Encapsulation).
  •  Object talks to other object (Method call).
  • Object has a memory like humans have brain (Data).
  • Object has a purpose or objective (service offered)
  • Object can have a child (inheritance)
  • Object can interpret same message differently (polymorphism)
  • Objects can be grouped into family (Class)
  • Child Object can have access to parent’s assets (inheritance)
  •  Finally object dies (Destructor).

Object should share information with its immediate friends, not to strangers. This is a kind of rule that one should follow, a rule stated as “Law of Demeter”.

Object can not kill itself as a rule. Same applies to humans which says “Never commit suicide”.

“Everything that has a beginning has an end”. Interesting isn’t it. I see objects as living entities. How do you guys think of it? Let me know 🙂

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