ChatGPT with ReactJS

I was using ChatGPT since couple of days asking questions on getting EventBridge running on AWS. It wasn’t easy experience with ChatGPT starting blank on the subject, but I got far enough to set an EventBridge. I will blog about it sometime later. Today I was browsing stack overflow for ReactJs questions randomly and I stumbled upon a question which I thought I could answer.

When I started setting up the React project, my node packages got corrupt. I being new to React initiated command like “Clean” which is a dumb thing to do, but anyways I did it 😁. It dawned upon me to try the help of ChatGPT 😉. Here is a transcript of my conversation with ChatGPT 🤖 and the result. I asked ChatGPT the following question.

how to clean npm packages in react

Following is the answer from ChatGPT 🤖

I obliged and to my suprise it did clean the packages. Next I installed Elastic-Carousel, which I had to inorder to get the carousel running as asked in the Stack overflow question. Now I got the following error while running the app ❌.

ERROR in ./node_modules/react-elastic-carousel/dist/ 1:0-39
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'styled-components'

Next question to ChatGPT below

Getting error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'styled-components' in elastic-carousel\dist. How to resolve it

Answer from ChatGPT 🤖

I followed Step 1,2, and 3. My project started working.


I rate ChatGPT for ReactJS 5⭐ out of 5. And ChatGPT for AWS 3⭐ out of 5.

Here is my thought about ChatGPT. It could give you directions on asking questions, but you need to be into the technology to ask the right question. And with that I am certain of one thing, ChatGPT is an enhanced version of StackOverflow for now. But I am excited about the possibilities of value it adds in the future.

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